If you've been to our house recently, you may have wondered about some of these. Just so there is no confusion, I will explain the meaning of these warning signs. Made and displayed by my 4-year-old, they are to be taken very seriously. (And yes, the adhesive half-sheets are shipping labels!)
The first, above, is a drawing of the boys' trampoline. (Yes we have a trampoline in the living room - doesn't everybody?) You'll notice in the photo that the trampoline's rear legs are off the ground. The circle and line mean "NO making the trampoline come off the ground!", which has been something we have been needing to remind them of. I was proud of my little guy when, of his own initiative, he made this sign to remind himself of the rule.
Next, on the side of mama's nightstand, is the sign above. This one is to remind everybody NOT to jump off of mama's bed. Do you notice a theme here? If you were to come to the conclusion that we have a lot of JUMPING in our house, you would be correct... (And just so I don't sound like a big mean NO NO NO parent, there ARE plenty of places and ways that they are welcome to jump safely - and boy do they ever... Our couch, stairs, and their own beds, are fair game!)
This is in our office, on a bookshelf. A reminder to all of us not to yell or scream.
And yes, another reminder of the same - in the living room. We have all struggled with not yelling lately, and I may have set myself up for these by welcoming reminders from my little boy if I start to raise my voice...
In this photo above, you will see my favorite - the SOS. Don't be alarmed, there is no dire emergency, just a little boy who does not like the sound of the vacuum. In his words, when asked about this sign - "It's a distress signal. So when you are vacuuming and you see the sign, you will remember that I don't like it and turn the vacuum off."
Below that, you will see a sign that he made a few days ago. After playing too roughly with his Earth ball to the point of hurting people, daddy had to put it away for a while. So this sign was to let everyone know that there was to be NO more Earth ball (temporarily, at least).
And finally, the newest addition to the living room... No jumping on the clothes hamper. (I had to make this rule after picking up pieces of the wicker hamper off the carpet all morning...)
So there you have it. Is everyone clear on the rules now? :)